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Ember-template-lint ACT Implementation

Number of Rules Implemented
Consistent Partially consistent
WCAG 2 rules 0 0
Proposed rules 1 5

Implemented Rules

Rule Name Type Consistency
ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA Proposed Rule Partial
ARIA state or property is permitted Proposed Rule Partial
ARIA state or property has valid value Proposed Rule Partial
Attribute is not duplicated Proposed Rule Consistent
Link is descriptive Proposed Rule Partial
Link in context is descriptive Proposed Rule Partial

About ember-template-lint Results

Test cases that require scripts or CSS are skipped and reported as cantTell. Like all linters, Ember-template-lint does static code analysis, and so does not run scripts or render CSS.

Results in this page are taken from a public test report published by contributors in the Ember.js community. Data is published using the EARL+JSON-LD data format.

Implementation Details

ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA

This rule is implemented by ember-template-lint using the no-invalid-aria-attributes procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the ARIA attribute is defined in WAI-ARIA proposed rule. It covers 6 of the 7 examples. For 1 example no results were reported. This can happen when examples are newer then the test results. The implementation correctly reports no success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
None None
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 untested
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Inapplicable Example 1 passed

ARIA state or property is permitted

This rule is implemented by ember-template-lint using the no-invalid-aria-attributes procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the ARIA state or property is permitted proposed rule. It covers 13 of the 16 examples. On 2 examples the implementation cannot tell the outcome. This is often because of technical limitations in tools. The implementation correctly reports no success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
None None

ARIA state or property has valid value

This rule is implemented by ember-template-lint using the no-invalid-aria-attributes procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the ARIA state or property has valid value proposed rule. It covers 11 of the 21 examples. For 9 examples no results were reported. This can happen when examples are newer then the test results. The implementation correctly reports no success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
None None

Attribute is not duplicated

This rule is implemented by ember-template-lint using the no-duplicate-attributes procedure. The implementation is fully consistent with the Attribute is not duplicated proposed rule. It covers 5 of the 10 examples. On 5 examples the implementation cannot tell the outcome. This is often because of technical limitations in tools. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 4.1.1 Parsing
  • 4.1.1 Parsing
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 cannot tell
Passed Example 5 cannot tell
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 failed
Failed Example 3 cannot tell
Inapplicable Example 1 cannot tell
Inapplicable Example 2 cannot tell

Link is descriptive

This rule is implemented by ember-template-lint using the no-invalid-link-text procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Link is descriptive proposed rule. It covers 6 of the 12 examples. On 2 examples the implementation cannot tell the outcome. This is often because of technical limitations in tools. The implementation reports different success criteria as failed from what is expected by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)
  • 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
Test Results
Passed Example 1 passed
Passed Example 2 passed
Passed Example 3 passed
Passed Example 4 cannot tell
Failed Example 1 failed
Failed Example 2 passed
Failed Example 3 passed
Failed Example 4 passed
Failed Example 5 passed
Inapplicable Example 1 passed
Inapplicable Example 2 cannot tell
Inapplicable Example 3 passed

Link in context is descriptive

This rule is implemented by ember-template-lint using the no-invalid-link-text procedure. The implementation is partially consistent with the Link in context is descriptive proposed rule. It covers 11 of the 18 examples. On 3 examples the implementation cannot tell the outcome. This is often because of technical limitations in tools. The implementation correctly reports which success criteria are failed by this rule. See understanding ACT consistency.

Success Criteria
Expected Reported
  • 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
  • 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
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